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Eleven Secrets Of Living To 100 Without Dementia

Source:Shaoyang International CultureWriter: micro-blogTime:2014-07-06Clicks:

A Japanese professor and expert of anti-aging named Anzawa Zhuoni wrote a book titled 101 Methods Of Living To 100 Without Dementia , in which he owes brain youth all to healthy eating habits. Let’s see what habits can help old people keep young.
1) Habits about getting up.
Drink a glass of warm boiled water soon after getting up. We need to supplement water to the body because it looses 500 milliliters of water during the night of sleep. What’s more is that warm water helps to increase body temperature. As body temperature increases by 10 C, the body’s basal metabolism increase by 10%.
1) Drink vegetable or fruit juice at least three times a week.
Vegetable and fruit juice will decrease 75% risk of getting Senile Dementia.
2) Bathe in sunshine 15 minutes per day.
Proper amount of sunshine can help the body produce vitamin D, which can fight cancer, according to a certain study.
4) Habits of going to work.
Put several pieces of chocolate in your bag. Chocolate supplies you with energy that helps improve your work efficiency. Black chocolate contains plentiful phenol that resists aging and helps control blood sugar.
5) Habits of dong housework.
Be fond of cooking. Some research has found that those who like cooking have less risk of Senile Dementia. Cooking three meals in a day is a good stimulation to the brain.
6) Everyday life.
Avoid drinking carbonated drinks or processed food. Carbonated drinks like coca cola and processed food like snacks contain plenty of phosphorus that prevents the absorb of calcium, which has an negative effect on bone health.
7) Habits of sports exercise.
Take exercise to an appropriate amount until you just sweat. Perspiration helps send toxin out of the body.
8) Try to lose weight by 5%.
Those who live to 100 are generally not fat. This is their common characteristic. 5% weight loss reduces the risk of diabetes and high blood pressure.
9) Take a walk of 30 minutes per day. Some study indicates that high death rate falls upon those who walk little in a day. A walk of 30 minutes a day improves blood circulation and lengthens a healthy life.
10) Habits of supper.
Eat raw onion. The sulfid that onion contains can prevent arteriosclerosis and high blood pressure. Raw onion woks better. It is suggested that onion be cut into slices to make vegetable salad.
10) Avoid eating food after 8 or 9 o’clock in the evening.It is the easiest for fat to accumulate inside the body at two o’clock in the morning. With an empty stomach, one can prevent fat accumulation. Calculating digestion time, we see that after 8 or 9 o’clock in the evening eating is not suitable.
(translated by Yi Daoqun)